PLEASE NOTE : This was created as a guideline and a useful easy to use tool for labour, hopefully encouraging and empowering both the support person and the expected mum.

It is said that , “From a medical model, they can be viewed as promoting the release of endorphins, blocking the pain receptors to the brain, dilating the cervix, and increasing the efficiency of the contraction”. (Debra Betts)

Please note that many of these points are forbidden to use during pregnancy  as they have a strong effect and are ONLY used to induce labour.

During Labour, there is no right time for certain points, and different people will react differently through the stages of labour. The points should have a distinct sensation to them. ie. Warm, tingling, numbness, dull ache, BUT NEVER painful, if this occurs, assess your point location or select another point. The points can be used at any stage during labour, it has been noted that using them in the early stages has been of greater benefit for the expected mum, rather than waiting for the strong pain to commence.

It is strongly advised, that you check your point location with your acupuncturist, midwife, or other allied health practitioner, who can easily understand the anatomy and show you practically how to find these points, as each individual’s body can be very different, especially with the changes that can occur during pregnancy.

Large Intestine 4

This point is contraindicated during pregnancy – only use when entering labour!

LOCATION: Found in between the index finger and thumb, on the height of the muscle belly,when thumb and index finger are together.


Apply pressure with the thumb as seen in the diagram above.


  1. Used in the lead up to labour, as it helps release oxytocin
  2. Analgesic effect (pain reliever)
  3. Useful for prolonged or delayed labour (has an effect of intensifying contractions)
  4. Useful for irregular intensity of contractions
  5. 2nd stage of labour – helpful is woman is tired and not effectively pushing.
  6. It is also said to aid the descent and movement of the baby down the birth canal.

Spleen 6

This point is contraindicated during pregnancy –  only use when entering labour!

LOCATION: On the lower leg, 4 finger breaths above the inner aspect, just off the edge of the tibia (shin bone). It is very tender on palpation.

Direct pressure can be applied . I would suggest you acupressure one leg at a time, pressing on the point for 1 minute at a time, then moving to the other leg. This treatment will last 15-20 minutes.


    1. Induces Labour
    2. Delayed, difficult or prolonged labour
    3. Retained placenta
    4. Dilate the cervix (important point used to effectively dilate the cervix during labour).
    5. Also indicated as a very effective point for after pains from labour

Gallbladder 21

This point is contraindicated during pregnancy –  only use when entering labour!

LOCATION: Midway between the spine (C7) and the acromion process (top of the shoulder joint), at the height of the belly of the muscle on the shoulder.

(C7) – This is usually the first prominent bone at the base of the neck, simular height to shoulder, it will rotate when head is turned, the point below doesn’t move.


Apply firm downward pressure to the point. This can be done in a number of ways, with thumb, knuckles, elbow or other massage devices. Apply the pressure at the beginning of each contraction.


    1. Descending action – which aids the 1st and 2nd stages of labour.
    2. Promotes the baby to descend through the canal is progress is slow
    3. Stimulates uterine contractions
    4. Retained Placenta
    5. Difficult or prolonged labour
    6. N.B.A great point for breastfeeding, as it promotes and descends milk.

Bladder 31 and 32

LOCATION: On the sacrum, buttock region, BL31 is located on the 1st posterior foramen and BL32 on the 2nd posterior foramen. Also, the points directly below, BL33 and BL34 are also effective.


Apply firm pressure, usually with knuckles, therefore you can stimulate both points at the same time. The woman can increase the pressure by rocking backwards into the hands, this is helpful at the beginning of the contractions. A distinct sensation is felt with the palpitation of these points, it can be felt as tingling, numbness, achy or warm sensation. NO SHARP PAIN should be felt, if this is felt, you are pressing on the surrounding bone and need to reassess your point location.


  1. Weak or Slow contractions
  2. Analgesic (pain reliever) – labour pain, especially effective for lower back pain
  3. Helps dilate cervix

Kidney 1

LOCATION: This point lies in the depression found on the top one third of the sole of the foot, when the foot is in planter flexion (pulling the toes towards the sole of the foot).

Apply strong pressure in this depression pushing inwards and upwards towards the big toe.


  1. Effect of calming the mind (if the woman has a feeling of panic)
  2. Relaxing effect
  3. Helps the perineum relax during the 2nd stage of labour

Hand Points

LOCATION: These points are located along the creases of the hands where the fingers join the palm.


You can access and locate these points easily by holding a small comb, with the teeth of the comb applying pressure to the points. Gripping the comb during contractions is said to be useful, apply only the amount of pressure you feel comfortable with or you find the most effective.


  1. Help release endorphins (body’s natural pain killer)

Labour Preparation

A couple days prior to the woman due date, it is recommended that you give the woman a sacral massage, using the points BL31, BL32, BL33 and BL34. Using downward and outward strokes from these points across the buttocks, moderate to strong pressure can be applied, depending on the woman’s comfort. The aim of this is to help free up the pelvic region and pelvic energy to help encourage optimal labour.

Conditions during labour

Cervical Lip

A cervical lip indicates that a part of the cervix is still present over the baby head, therefore even though the woman may want to push, she has not dilated enough, and she will be told not to push by the midwife or doctor.

If this occurs, apply strong pressure with your knuckles to BL31 and BL32.

Waters Breaking

If your waters have broken and labour is not progressing, you can use BL32 and Sp6 to help establish labour.

Inducing Labour

It is known that these points are used to aid in the induction of labour, however they have been outlined here as a guide to assist you and your support person during labour.It is highly recommended that a qualified practitioner should be used to assess and administer the protocol for induction of labour.

Nausea and Vomiting

Pe6 is a fantastic point used to alleviate nausea and vomiting in most conditions.

Pericardium 6

LOCATION: This point is three of the woman’s finger widths above the transverse crease of the inner wrist. It lies directly between the two tendons felt here. (The tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis.)

Apply pressure to the point, you can use both wrists or only one. You can also purchase travel sickness bands from your local chemist, which have a nodule on the band, which applies