Menstrual Flow Morning Juice

When we embrace our cycles and flow as a woman, good things happen.

We listen to what our body needs; respect its ebbs and flows, and adjust accordingly. When we’re menstruating, our bodies might be lower than usual on iron.

It can be such a powerful and intuitive time, and a perfect chance to really hear what you deeply do, and no not want because you are more strongly connected to your emotions… and don’t we know it!

A few minutes of quite meditation can reveal a lot.

Nourishing your gorgeous female body and soul with this delicious morning juice designed especially to support you during your bleed; it’s pack to the brim with essential lady vitamins to make your cells sing!

Also, from a chakra healing perspective, the vibrant red colour will give you extra energy if you’re feeling run down.

Menstrual flow morning juice:

  • 2 small Kiwis
  • 1 Pear
  • Juice of 1 Lime
  • 4 red rainbow chard leaves
  • 1 stick of celery (with the stringy ribs removed)
  • Handful of Spinach
  • About half a cup of Beetroot juice
  • 2 pitted Dates

Optional: Topped with  a small sprinkle of Cacao and Bee Pollen

The breakdown of what goodness you’re getting:

  • Kiwi: High in Vitamin C, which helps you absorb the iron better
  • Rainbow Chard: Contains  betalains, which are an antioxidant, provides detox support and has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Celery: Provides Vitamins K, B2 and B6, as well as fibre. Vitamin B is particularly good for those with heavy periods as they help essential fatty acids convert prostaglandins to regulate bleeding.
  • Spinach: Also provides Vitamins K, B2 and B6, as well as Vitamin A and K, and iron. Vitamin K has been used in the treatment of abnormal menstrual bleeding as it helps with clotting.
  • Beetroot: Contains Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Iron, and folic acid. Folic acid helps the bowel absorb all the nutrients properly and helps of you become anaemic due to heavy bleeding.
  • Dates: Provide Iron and other minerals. If you bleed quite heavily, you may feel fatigued and irritable due to reduced iron levels, so a top up can work wonders.
  • Pear: Contains Vitamin B2, C, E, Copper and Potassium
  • Bee polled will give you a natural energy boost if you are feeling lethargic, and Cacao also provides some Iron.

P.S. Use a blender to keep all the fibre – which is good for menstrual constipation.

Recipe sourced from

Author: Jay Diamond

Editor: Cat Beekmans

Photo: Authors Own