Acupuncture for Children?
According to a study by the Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago (Dec 2015), acupuncture is something parents should consider if their children are suffering from chronic pain. Children with various chronic conditions were studied to assess the impact of acupuncture on pain, nausea and quality of life. The results showed “significant positive results both during and after sessions” for all three indicators.
Eight individually tailored acupuncture sessions were received at an integrative medicine center. The study pointed out that there was a lack of research in this area but concluded that “acupuncture may be a safe and effective adjunct treatment for chronic pain conditions in paediatric populations”.
Source: Johnson Angela, Kent Paul, Swanson Barbara, Rosdil Anneliese, Owen Erika, Fogg Louis, and Keithley Joyce 2015 “The Use of Acupuncture for Pain Management in Paediatric Patients: A Single-Arm Feasibility Study” Alternative and Complementary Therapies. December 2015, 21(6): 255-260.
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